A new method for determination of the energy markers to control the hormonal state of the human body with quantum point-contact sensors
Harbuz D.O (1)*, Pospelov A.P.(2), Belan V.I.(1), Gudimenko V.A.(1),Vakula V.L.(1), Kamarchuk L.V.(3), and Kamarchuk G.V.(1)
1 – B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, 47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine.
2 – National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, 2 Kyrpychov Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
3 – SI “Institute for Children and Adolescents Health Care” of NAMS of Ukraine, 52-A Yuvileinyi Ave., Kharkiv, 61153, Ukraine.
Quantum point-contact sensors are brand new type of universal detectors, that operates on the conductivity change principle. Yanson point contacts serve as the sensitive elements of this innovative devices. Due to their unique quantum properties, point contact sensors function on the principles of quantum sensorics and can implement the quantum mechanisms for selective detection of the wide range of systems and objects. One of them is the spectral mechanism of detection. It allows the direct determination of the components’ composition and concentration in complex gas mixtures by the spectral profile registration of media under study. Point-contact sensor profile, like the any other spectral characteristics, includes the entire energy information about the all components of complex gas media. The interaction energies between the quantum sensor and components of the mixture under study are the unique markers for those components. The knowledge of energy markers serves as source of the information, which is required to detect and analyze both specific component and the whole system.
Point-contact sensor profile of the complex gas media is formed by the set of consequent energy states, which correspond to the interaction of quantum sensor with the specific components of gas mixture. The determination of this energy provides the ability to characterize the desired component of the gas media. We proposed the new method for analysis of the complex gas mixture and for definition of the interaction energies between sensor surface and the specific gas components [1, 2]. During its development the similarities of different types of quantum interactions in the quasiparticle systems of electrons and phonons, which take place in the Yanson point contact, were taken into account. This made it possible to use the spectrum analysis tools validated in Yanson point-contact spectroscopy [3, 4]. As a result, it was shown that the interaction energies serve as energy markers of certain substances in the spectral sensory profiles and their definition could be used to identify them. Approbation of the new method was carried out on the example of detecting the spectral sensory profile of breath and determining the hormonal state of the human body. The application of statistical analysis methods to breath profiles made it possible to offer simple equations to determine the concentration of hormones in real time by recording point-contact sensor profiles of breath.
This work was partly supported by the NATO SPS Programme (Ref: SPS.MYP 985481) and the NAS of Ukraine.
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