Compact OEM TDLS based gas sensor module for trace gas detection in exhaled breath
Compact OEM TDLS based gas sensor module for trace gas detection in exhaled breath
Melanie Wahlers, Axetris AG
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We present Axetris™ new TDLS-based platform LGD Compact. This sensor module is specifically designed for OEM customers targeting applications where real-time measurement and low detection limits matter like for medical breath analysis. Several gases, like CH4, NH3, CO and CO2, can be detected by near-IR laser spectroscopy in an unmatched cost-performance ratio. Further planned developments that advance into the mid-IR area enable the detection of gases such as C2H4, C2H6 and C2H4O.
The sensing module comprises a small gas cell volume for fast T90 time of less than 15s (at flow rates of 0.3 l/min) and detection limits in the sub ppm region. Together with a long-term stable performance without a need for recalibration and the resulting low cost-of-ownership the LGD Compact can be a valid alternative to gas detection methods like mass spectroscopy or other conventional measuring technologies.
The can-sized design of our sensing module, which is 160mm long and has a diameter of 50mm (w/o electronics), can be well integrated in small and portable enclosures suitable for operation in hospitals or doctor`s offices.
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