Comparison of two sample inlet types for exhaled breath acetone determination using portable mass spectrometry

Comparison of two sample inlet types for exhaled breath acetone determination using portable mass spectrometry

Milena Jaksic, Boris Brkic

Biosense Institute, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

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Growing potential of breath analysis as approachable diagnostic tool initiates scientists from various fields to give their contribution to research and development of analytical methods development and their improvement. This is particularly the case for non-invasive disease diagnostics and personalized nutrition applications. Therefore, this research is focused on the development of a method for determination of food intake effects on levels of specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled human breath. 

Following the modern analytical requests for fast, reliable, and mobile solutions, this work is committed to analysis of breath volatiles of nutritional interest (e.g. acetone) utilizing portable mass spectrometry (MS) technique. A choice of a sample inlets type is a crucial step for obtaining optimal sensitivity and resolution with a portable MS, which is why this work compares two types of inlets, a commercially available fused silica capillary probe heated at 120C (FSCP) and an in-house made sheet membrane probe with silicone polymer membrane heated at 70C (SPM). Acetone gas standards were prepared by static dilution method in concentration range 10-100 ppb (v/v) and analyzed by a portable MS system. for characteristic mass fragments (m/z=43 and m/z=58). Inlet performances were compared by observing signal current intensity (A), inlet response time (s) and resolution (FWHM) for a range of concentration levels. Results obtained indicate that SPM inlet type provides better sensitivity, while FSCP shows better response times. Considering that breath VOCs are present at ppb levels, greater sensitivity is always a desirable property. Therefore, SPM is chosen for our future research. 





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