Silicon nanowire based sensing platform for the detection of infectious diseases
Varsha Gautam, Avshish Kumar, Vinod Kumar Jain, Suman Nagpal
Amity Institute for Advanced Research and Studies (Materials & Devices), Amity University, UP, 201303, Noida, India Amity institute of Advanced Research and Studies (Materials and Devices), Amity University, Noida -201303, U.P, India
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Infectious diseases are transmitted at much faster rate than their identification in infected patients, resulting in an unavoidable rise in death rates. As a result, early detection strategies is the only way to help them in better treatment and diagnosis. We focused on developing electrochemical sensor models based on the most recent Silicon nanowire (SiNW)-derived technologies for the identification of various biomarkers implicated in infectious diseases, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nucleotide sequences, and proteins. We used reduced graphene oxide (SiNW/rGO), titanium dioxide nanoparticles (SiNW/TiO2), and zinc oxide nanoparticles (SiNW/ZnO) to make three SiNW-based sensing platforms. Graphene oxide (GO) coating is an effective way to enhance the physical and chemical properties of a sensor. As previously mentioned, TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles have excellent VOC sensing properties. Metal assisted chemical etching (MACE) was used to create SiNW, and the nanomaterials were drop casted onto the base. SEM, TEM, EDX, FTIR, and XRD techniques were used to describe the modeled electrode. The sensing properties of the newly developed sensors were then tested for various biomarkers. We suggested that the sensing platforms as developed could pave the way for a novel strategy in the creation of a point-of-care diagnosis for the identification of infectious diseases.
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