OVG-4 Temperature and Flow Recalibration Procedure

The purpose of this document is to provide instructions for checking and calibrating the temperature of the Permeation Oven and Sample Outlet flow of the Owlstone Vapour Generator (OVG-4), P/N 00-0003.

The document is based upon Owlstone’s Factory Acceptance Testing procedure, document 90-0103.


1      Equipment required

1.1      Flow Meter

Must have an operating range greater than 0 - 500ml/min.    Accuracy should be better than +/-1% reading.

Owlstone use a volumetric flow standard instrument manufactured by Bios inc. called a “Definer 220”


1.2      Digital thermometer & temperature probe

The minimum operating range of must be 20 - 120°C.  Accuracy should be better than +/-2% reading.

Owlstone use a Digitron 2046T digital thermometer and H0334D rigid air probe.


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