2.5 Status Screen

Status Screen

The status screen provides additional feedback on the Lonestar system and the Process that it is monitoring. It provides simple ‘spark’ lines that provide a quick guide to system stability, as well as two dual axis graphs that allow a more detailed analysis of the key system variables.



Status screen


The spark lines on the left hand side provide a quick visual guide to the system stability, whilst the graphs on the right hand side allow more detailed information to be obtained.


The following information is available from this screen:



  • Inline, °C – Temperature of the air leaving FAIMS chip
  • Motherboard, °C – Temperature of the Owlstone control electronics
  • Filter, °C – Temperature of the filter module upstream of the FAIMS chips
  • FAIMS sensor, °C – Temperature of the housing around the FAIMS chip


Note that the target temperature for the Inline, Filter and FAIMS sensor are all 60C +/-2C. The Ambient Temperature Sensor monitors the Lonestar internal temperature for diagnostic purposes.



  • Air flow, l/min – Measured flow rate through the FAIMS chip
  • Pump voltage, V – Pump voltage required to achieve air flow rate



  • Inline, % - Relative humidity of the gas flow as it exits the FAIMS chip
  • Ambient, % - Relative humidity of the air inside Lonestar


 Note that the Relative Humidity sensors are for indication only. Typically the humidity sensors are accurate to +/-5%, but they can be affected by the exact makeup of the Process sample and can be easily altered or damaged by certain chemicals.


The Ambient Humidity sensor measures the Humidity and Temperature. Sensors are located next to each other and so the combination of the two can be used to calculate Specific Humidity.


System Information

 Below the main graphs is some additional information, as detailed below:


  • FAIMS Sensor (Connected/Not Connected) – Used for diagnosis
  • LastCal(Date) – Last calibration point for the FAIMS chip, used for diagnosis
  • Pump PID On (LED) – Indicates whether the pump flow is under closed loop control. Under normal operation this will always be on
  • Pump (LED) – Indicates whether the pump is on or off
  • Filter Heaters On (LED) – Indicates whether the filter area is being actively heated
  • Recirculation On (LED) – Indicates whether the make-up flow is being re-circulated or going to exhaust
  • Scrubber Used – Estimation of how much time is remaining before the Scrubber cartridge should be changed.
  • Filter Used – Estimation of how much time is remaining before the filter unit should be changed. 
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