3.3 Pneumatic Control Box and Sample stirrer Module

 Front Panel Controls


A - Speed increase button
B - Speed decrease button
C - Mode selector button to select stirring mode
D - Capture button momentarily stops stirrer to allow stirring bar capture
E - Four-digit display of stirring speed. Decimal point indicates stirring mode
F - Air Supply on/off switch
G - Flow control
H - Pressure control
I - Pressure gauge

Switch on/off

The stirrer is switched on and off from the back of the pneumatics box. When switched on it will only start spinning the stir bar by pressing the START button on the online Lonestar software.


 Lonestar DF Matrix tab online software

Speed setting

The stir bar spinning speed range is from 100 to 1800 r.p.m. (rotations per minute). The speed can be increased and decreased in incremental steps with the right-hand side up and down arrows (buttons A and B). 

To set up the stirrer, select the voltage, plug in the power plug and stirrer.  If you are controlling the stirrer via Lonestar, plug in the cable to connect the D-type connector on the stirrer to the serial port on the Lonestar.  Please note the stirrer control from the Lonestar is only an interrupt.  Speed and stirring mode are selected on the front panel at all times (buttons A - D).



The capture button on the left-hand side (button D) prevents the stir bar moving erratically. Pressing the capture button temporally stops the spinning and slowly increases the speed back to what it was set at. Zero is flashing on the pneumatics box screen while the stir bar is captured.



Four different spinning modes can be chosen with the Mode 1-4 button on the left-hand side (button C). By pressing the Mode 1-4 button the dot cursor moves from 1 to 4. the following table summarises the description of the spinning modes.  





 mode_1.png  mode_2.png  mode_3.png  Mode_4.png

The stir bar spins clockwise then stops and spins anticlockwise.

The stir bar spins anticlockwise then stops and spins clockwise.

The stir bar spins clockwise.

The stir bar spins anticlockwise.


Stirring Speed and Performance 

  • 37 speeds between 100 and 1800 rpm.
  • Display accuracy ± 2%.
  • Speed stability better than 300 parts per million.
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